Gigs, news and blog

‘Amped’ in Camden: Bar Solo on Sunday July 7th at 2pm

Featured are two shots from a previous Amped gig at The Music Palace, Crouch End, N8:


It should be even better this year as I shall be inducting the young dudes and dudettes to the Camden Crawl…albeit for an afternoon start time…

Music Technology students from Woodhouse College and BEAT, the educational charity, will be performing an afternoon gig at this lovely Camden venue.

Always an interesting experience when you get a bunch of music-hungry 17 year old girls and boys in a venue for their first proper live experience.

All welcome!

Gigs, news and blog

Studying With Danny

Here’s a Woodhouse / BEAT newsletter from one of our star students, Christofer Christoforou:

Studying Music Tech Christoforou


Gigs, news and blog

Bar Solo gig in Camden this Wednesday 8th May

I’ll be on stage from 7.45pm.

I’m looking forward to it. Will be trying out a couple of new songs: ‘Click On My Name’ and ‘I Write This Song’

bar solo


Gigs, news and blog

Recent gigs (with set notes)

Recent Gigs

GIG I: The Dublin Castle (solo) 14 April 2011

1. Moonsight
2. Help Me See The Light
3. Here’s To Simpler Times
4. Hey Edwin
5. What’s the worst that could happen

GIG II The Constitution (with Pete Murphy) 24 June 2011

Home Is Where The Hatred Is
Hey Edwin
It Is What It Is
Train From Washington

(if time, Borderline encore)

Train from Washington
It is what it is
Hey Edwin
Lonely Boy

Encore: Borderline.

Hey Edwin
Lady Day & John C
Home is where (chorus solo back to C on Bb)
Here’s To Simpler Times
Encore: Borderline

Gig III with Sadie Alleyne at Bar Vinyl, Inverness Street, Camden NW1
Similar set list to gig IV below.

Gig IV
feb 13 bar solo Camden with Sadie Alleyne

1. Stormy Weather
2. There is no greater love
3. Heart of the City
4. American Boy
5. Amy winehouse lullaby of birdland song

Pigalle Gig V Friday 5th April 8pm

Danny’s set:

1. Hey Edwin
2. Dancing Queen (Only 33)
3. Lady Day and John Coltrane
4. Click On My Name
5. Hey Edwin (encore)

Introduce Sadie
1. Lets stay together
2 Aeroplane
3. October song
4. Stormy weather
5. Dream a little dream
6. There is no greater love
7. American boy
8. Cry me a river
9. Ain’t no love (in the heart of the city)

After this gig, Richey, surly scouse sound guy says to me as I come off stageĀ  with Sadie (and bearing in mind he did everything he could to be uncooperative during the sound check)
‘That was fucking amazing’.

Great gig.